Monday, January 19, 2009

HuffPost Video: "Our Inauguration"

We the people...

The idea of all of us taking the oath to uphold the Constitution creates a responsibility to participate actively in our democracy and to also make certain those elected uphold its precepts.

We the people...

are diverse in our views and beliefs, yet we can all participate responsibly when needed. That includes understanding that some people will take this "oath" vision and run with the ideals, while others will skeptically remind us of the details. A democracy is collaboration, and I recently read a wonderful post that reminds us that collaboration means participation, communication, acceptance, and "making our partner's work look good." So, despite our differences, our goal is to become better, to add to each others' ideas and projects to be "America the Beautiful."

Post reference:

I like what marijam said: "We're in this together, but you need to help yourself too."

Thanks to poshman for this history link I will share with my students.

I take the oath!
About Obama's Inauguration
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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